A team of experts take care of not just the treatment aspects but also the preventive aspects of healthcare. The department is equipped with high-tech and sophisticated equipment that aid in the management of various disorders in the body mechanics due to postural abnormalities or other prevalent associated diseases.
- Physiotherapy for conditions like Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis
- Physiotherapy for Post Traumatic Inflammatory Lesions
- Physiotherapy for Stroke, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Muscular Weakness and Wasting, Nerve Injuries, Neuropraxia, Bell’s Palsy, Post-traumatic or Post-surgical Joint Stiffness
- Chest Physiotherapy like Postural Drainage and clearing of secretions leading to improvement in breathing
- Exercise Therapy includes Quadriceps Bench, Hand Function Equipments, etc.
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Occupational Therapy
- Neuromuscular Co-ordination Exercises, Sensory Integration Therapy, Neuro-developmental Therapy
- Special care for children having developmental delays, learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Syndrome (ADHD), Cerebral Palsy, Down’s syndrome, etc.
- Shortwave/Microwave Diathermy
- Paraffin Wax Bath
- Moist Heat Pack Unit
- Muscle Stimulator
- Cervical/Lumber Traction
- Infrared/Ultrasonic/Interferential Therapy
- Massage Vibrator